
Membership is about more than attending church meetings.  Members commit to joining a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice. You become a Christian when you commit yourself to Jesus Christ.  You become a member of a local church when you commit yourself to a people who are committed to Jesus Christ.  At Coastal we believe that you cannot be committed to the universal church unless you are committed to a local Church.  Our elders and leaders pledge to assist our members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching.  We hope that, as the Lord leads, you make a commitment to be part of our church family.

Membership Class:  We want you to make an informed decision about joining our church.  Our class covers what it means to be a member and our beliefs and distinctives.

The final step in becoming a member is to meet with an elder to sign the Membership Commitment.  We will explain the commitment, listen to your testimony and answer any questions you might have. Once you fulfill the requirements of membership and sign the commitment, you are considered a member at Coastal Community Church.